The Secret Method Of Inviting Blessings
The Spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses
For today only,
do not anger, do not worry.
Do your work with appreciation.
Be kind to all people.
In the morning and at night, with hands held in prayer,
Think this in your mind, chant this with your mouth.
The Secret Method Of Inviting Blessings
The Spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses
For today only,
do not anger, do not worry.
Do your work with appreciation.
Be kind to all people.
In the morning and at night, with hands held in prayer,
Think this in your mind, chant this with your mouth.
Metode rahasia yang menghadirkan anugrah
Penyembuhan spiritual bagi banyak penyakit
Untuk hari ini, jangan ada amarah, jangan khawatir.
Lakukan pekerjaanmu dengan penuh penghargaan Ramah pada setiap orang.
Setiap pagi dan petang, berdoalah dengan merapatkan kedua tangan, Tanamkan dalam pikiranmu, ucapkan dengan mulutmu.
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