14 Maret 2009


Kesuksesan dalam kehidupan 90% berawal dirumah, orang tua sebagai pilar utama dalam mengembangkan potensi anak harus mengerti serta mampu mengkonstruksi kesuksesan itu sejak awal. Dapatkan rahasia merencanakan sukses putra-putri kita dimasa depan dalam HIPNOPARENTING PROGRAM

(Managing Consultant Cakra Consulting)
Human Capital Development Expert

Materi Pelatihan
1. Memahami Struktur Kerja Otak
2. Uncouncius Programming
3. Mengenali Sumber-Sumber Masalah Pada Anak
4. Technik Afirmasi dan Visualisasi
5. Technik Menghadapi Anak Bermasalah

Daftarkan Segera
Investasi Rp. 150.000,-
Rek BCA 2101254994
Rek Mandiri 1230004309839
Tanggal 22 Maret 2009
Tempat : Gd.LPMJ Pulo Gadung Jakarta Timur

Contac Person :

Jaenal Mutakim
021 98880577-0812108995 77
http://www.cakraconsulting.blogspot .com
e-mail : ciptacakraselaras@ gmail.com

10 Maret 2009

Karma And The Law Of Compensation
By: Lynne Gordon

The Law of Compensation is also known as 'karma'.

For everything that we sow, we shall reap. If I plant corn, I will reap corn. If I plant seeds of dishonesty and mistrust in life, I will reap lies and ill will from everyone around me.

This is an inescapable fact of life. It works both on a natural level and on a vibrational level.

People who are inclined to be stingy and unforgiving in life have a hard time grasping this particular law because it goes against the core feeling that they are losing something every time they give to others. And if they have never experienced the joy of giving unselfishly and with a glad heart to another, they will come to understand why their compensation in life has been less than they would like.

This is the law that will help propel you from where you are to where you want to be and unlike the Law of Increase, it does not require specifically that you give to others but that you understand why giving is so important.

All of these immutable laws are life lessons. Some teach us how, some help us learn to perform a specific action and others guarantee that we are aware of the implications of how they all work together.

These particular laws must be obeyed in order to reap the rewards whether we agree with them or not and certainly whether we fully understand them or not. They will continue to work, on their own, regardless of us.

The purpose of the law of Compensation is to bring to our consciousness the realization of our acts of omission and commission, the duality of our being in both positive and negative polarities. Its main objective for us is to make compensation for the errors and wrongs we have committed and to benefit from the good or benefits which we have provided for the lives of others. Once we have become conscious of these positive or negative attributes of our own lives, the Law of Compensation has been fulfilled. Once the good which we have done has been realized, the law ceases to operate until the next episode.

The Law of Compensation should not be confused with retribution. It is a learning The purpose of the Law of Compensation is not to instigate punishment, worry, strife, loss, or mental suffering, but to reiterate, to bring our thoughts and actions into our conscious mind. It shows us how to stop, reflect, and remember.

POLARITY, or action and reaction, we meet in every part of nature; in darkness and light; in heat and cold; in the ebb and flow of waters; in male and female; in the inspiration and expiration of plants and animals; in the equation of quantity and quality in the fluids of the animal body; in the systole and diastole of the heart; in the undulations of fluids, and of sound; in the centrifugal and centripetal gravity; in electricity, galvanism, and chemical affinity. Super induce magnetism at one end of a needle; the opposite magnetism takes place at the other end. If the south attracts, the north repels. To empty here, you must condense there. And so it goes.

There are no exceptions to the law of compensation. No person or thing can escape the effects of this universal law. Like all of the universal laws, this unseen force is always working whether we are aware of it or not. It is an extension of the law of cause and effect, or, for every action there must be a reaction. With an understanding of this law we can learn to live in peace and harmony, without greed or envy.

When we understand how the law of compensation works, we can use it to our advantage in so many ways. One way the law of compensation works wonderfully is to create abundance. Considering this law works on the principle, for every action there must be a reaction. If we give we must receive. This is true for it is a universal law. What goes around comes around, if we give charity in the form of money or we give our time to help someone, we will be rewarded.

It might not happen immediately but it will happen

The Limitation Of Beliefs

Susie Heath

We tend to think that our beliefs are set in stone and unchanging, whereas in fact your belief is only a thought that you keep thinking, which leads to an unconscious reactive way of behaving. When we re-act (act the same way over and over again) it becomes a thought habit, yet some of these habits are buried so deeply that we are not aware of their existence. It is almost impossible to act contrary to your beliefs, because your unconscious (or subconscious) will not allow you to.

Some of our thought habits serve us really well. When you choose to follow a belief that serves you well and allows your life-force and your energy to flow, you feel invigorated, joyful and enthusiastic; you feel passion, you feel love, you feel appreciation; you feel … well, just great.

Some beliefs really hinder us. When we activate any belief that does not serve us well, we feel anger, frustration, fear, defensiveness, jealousy, guilt, insecurity, desperation … and urgency. And then this leads us to take desperate measures, like drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and plastic surgery!

The degree to which you allow your life-force and energy toflow depends on how much you associate with your feelings, and whether they are uplifting or depressing. It is also the degree to which you are connected to your true essence … or not!

We just picked our beliefs up as we grew, and now we cart them everywhere we go like an overstuffed handbag. Everything that happened to you or in your environment was recorded into your unconscious mind with no editing whatsoever. However, as we got older we tended to store the good things as small, insignificant and colourless, and the bad things super-size and in glorious Technicolor. In fact as adults, we store events not as they actually are, but according to our mood and how we are feeling at the actual time.

Our parents pass down to us their limiting beliefs which were passed down from their parents’ limiting beliefs, passed down from their parents’ limiting beliefs, but all with the intention of keeping us safe.

Most behaviour gets absorbed into our unconscious minds very surreptitiously from when we are a tiny foetus in our mother’s womb to the age of 7 or so. We copy or model the behaviour of everyone around us and because our survival instinct kicks in, accept that this is the way to get through life. This ‘conditioning’ then creates our ‘rules for living,’ a blueprint learned from other people, which in turn becomes our own belief system, even if it’s untrue or doesn’t make sense.

Those very same beliefs have become our limitations; they govern our every move, our every decision. Once our head (our way of thinking) and our heart (our feelings) come together, they create a belief which is far stronger than anyone else’s disbelief; and we always act from our belief system. Each belief gets filed into our unconscious mind and we live through that, just like a computer program.

We haven’t deliberately chosen our limiting beliefs to keep us small and unfulfilled; to cart them around with us and then pass them onto our own children in turn. It‘s always been about safety and survival, because that’s how it was 150 years ago and even back in the cave. The main focus was always, "What can I do to keep my children safer? Will it keep them alive?" And we continue to live with the same fears.

Our beliefs drive us in an unconscious way, because we don’t realise the power of our emotions. No-one ever taught us that feeling great and happy deep down inside means that it might actually be good for us!

02 Maret 2009



Ketika Aku Meminta Kepada Tuhan !!!

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan untuk menyingkirkan MASALAH-MASALAHKU

Tuhan menjawab : TIDAK, itu bukan untuk KU-singkirkan, tetapi agar kau MENGALAHKANNYA.

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan untuk menyembuhkan KECACATANKU

Tuhan menjawab : TIDAK, jiwa adalah SEMPURNA, badan hanyalah SEMENTARA.

Aku meminta kepada TUHAN untuk menghadiahkan kepadaku KESABARAN

Tuhan menjawab : TIDAK, kesabaran adalah HASIL DARI KESULITAN, itu tidak dihadiahkan,


Aku meminta kepada Tuhan untuk memberiku BERKAH

Tuhan menjawab : TIDAK, Aku memberimu RASA SYUKUR, agar hidupmu tak pernah kekurangan.

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan untuk menjauhkan aku dari PENDERITAAN

Tuhan menjawab : TIDAK, Penderitaan menjauhkanmu dari perhatian duniawi dan membawamu mendekat pada-KU.

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan untuk MENUMBUHKAN IMANKU

Tuhan menjawab : TIDAK, Kau harus menumbuhkannya sendiri, tetapi AKU akan memangkas untuk membuatmu BERBUAH LEBIH BANYAK..

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan SEGALA HAL sehingga aku dapat MENIKMATI HIDUP

Tuhan menjawab : TIDAK, Aku akan MEMBERIMU HIDUP, sehingga kau dapat MENIKMATI SEGALA HAL

01 Maret 2009


Selamat pagi para praktisi REIKI, ada berapa pertanyaan yang membuat saya gelisah..apa benar REIKI (Energi ILAHI) ini mampu menyelesaikan banyak persoalan, karena setelah di Empower siapapu akan memiliki 3 kemampuan yaitu penyembuhan, perlindungan dan materilaisasi. Pertanyaan ini membuat saya harus menjelaskan kepada para praktisi tentang bagaimana Energi ILAHI ini mampu menjadi solusi dalam kehidupan. Ada beberapa hal yang harus dicermati dan dilaksanakan agar alat/sarana ini mampu bekerja menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan dalam kehidupan :

1. Energi ILAHI ini bekerja pada sistem microcosmik etirik dan spiritual artinya kalau jalur
mentalnya benar maka fisiknya akan mengikuti, oleh sebab itu penyembuhan REIKI (Energi
ILAHI) harus mampu menyentuh aspik spiritual. Bagaimana setiap praktisi mampu mengajak
orang-orang disekitarnya untuk baik diri sendiri, keluarga, lingkungan dan masyarakat
masuk pada sisi ini. Praktisi harus mampu menjadi drive/penyemangat bagi mereka..artinya
keberadaan praktisi menjadi simbol bagi terjadinya perubahan mind set orang. Mulai dengan
menata kata-kata (menjadi lebih afirmatif) hilangakan kata-kata yang reatif...tetapi,

2. Menyeimbangkan/ menyelaraskan Mind-Motion-Emotion
Mind (pikiran)
Motion (aktifitas/tindakan)
Emotion (emosi-positif, dapat berupa impian, keinginan, figur.....)
Mampu mengoptimalkan aktifitas mind (berpikir positif-bersyukur atas apapun yang
diberikan Allah kepada kita, sejelak apapun pemberian itu, karena jika pemberian itu hal yang
baik-baik /kesenangan-kebahgiaan-kesehatan dan berkelimpahan itu adalah buah dari
perbuatan dan doa serta ihtiar yang kita lakukan. Jika itu cobaan berupa sakit, susah dan
sebagainya, maka ingat bahwa Allah sedang bekerja membersihkan dosa dan mempersiapkan
mental kita untuk menjadi lebuh baik.
Selalu dalam muatan emosi yang kuat dan positif, karena ini akan menjadi bahan bakar dalam
pencapaian hasil dan memberi energi dalam setiap tindakan..sehingga akan terlahir antusias-
pantang menyerah dan keyakinan bahwa kita akan mampu mencapai apa yang kita ainginkan.

3. Tindakan yang benar dengan diberi impian dan muatan emosi yang pas, akan menghasilkan
fibrasi energi yang dahsyat untuk menjadikan diri kita medan magnet untuk apapun yang
kita inginkan..ingat bahwa implementasinya ada pada....SILAHTURAHMI....yang akan
menjawab statement Allah...AKU tidak akan pernah mencoba umat-KU diluar batas
kemampuannya "...keberhasilan kita yang tentukan karena Allah telah menyediakan semua
isi alam semesta ini semata-mata untuk kebaikan umat manusia...jadi apa kurangnya ?

Dengan mengelola Mind-Motion-Emotions yang benar , maka tidak ada masalah yang tidak dapat diselesaikan..karena infrastruktur yang paling lengkap untuk mencapai apapun yang kita inginkan dalam kehidupan telah disiapkan dalam setiap diri manusia..."Didalam tubuhmu telas kusediakan semua yang kamu buruhkan..."

agus sutiyono
Founder Indonesia Reiki Institute
